LIS 2676 - RESEARCH DATA MANAGEMENTMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This topical course is designed to introduce students to the conceptual and practical challenges of research data management and takes a highly innovative approach by "immersing" the participants in disciplinary research settings in subject domains beyond LIS, as part of the learning process. The seminar will explore disciplinary data diversity, but will also examine how universities and other organizations are developing policy, roadmaps, plans and tools to facilitate good research data management practice. The seminar will investigate roles, responsibilities, and relationships of key stakeholders engaging with legal and ethical data issues, advocacy and training methods, and the costs of providing such research data management services in institutions. A pragmatic approach will be supported by reference to case studies and exemplars, which show how researchers, librarians, technologists, administrators, and others are responding positively to the data challenge. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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