CULT FILM   [Archived Catalog]
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
This course will interrogate the criteria by which a film is identified as cult. A cult movie is not made; a film only becomes cult through the consumption patterns of an audience. This course explores how the nature of cult viewership shifted in response to technological innovation: at first VCRs, then DVDs, and now the internet. This course also looks to how cult has shifted now that unavailable films or banned films are increasingly accessible due to shifts in new media and the dominance of internet commerce (international shopping, eBay, bootlegs, downloads). This is a Critical Studies course and counts for Category II towards the Film and Media Studies major and minor.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Seminar
Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
Course Attributes: Film Studies

Click here for class schedule information.