FIELD EXPERIENCE   [Archived Catalog]
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 1
Maximum Credits: 3
This course provides the student with an opportunity to receive credit for participating in a clinical setting, as a paid employee or as a volunteer. The student will work with the Field Experience Coordinator to make arrangements with a clinical facility and will work with a Faculty Advisor to develop a set of objectives for this experience. The student will be expected to participate a total of 45 hours per credit hour sought. Grade will be determined by Faculty Advisor based on evaluation by the clinical facility and student's internship journal, a written summary of the clinical experience, and if more than 1 credit sought, a research paper. Students are required to complete online training modules and a physical exam, including documentation of up-to-date immunizations and TB test prior to registration. Other policies may apply based on the chosen field experience site.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Clinical
Grade Component: H/S/U Basis
Course Requirements: PLAN: REHSCI (BS, BPH, BS-H)

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