AFRCNA 1083 - SPECIAL TOPICS: BLACK LIFE IN THE POST-INDUSTRIAL CITYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course closely explores key demographic, political, economic, and cultural themes in African American life in post-industrial U.S. cities. It takes as its particular focus the persistence of urban residential segregation as a key structural lynchpin of American race relations and inequality. Relying on scholarly and historical sources and films, we will analyze the ways the racialization of urban space produces inequities in housing, employment, education, social welfare policy, policing, and redevelopment. We will also explore the complicated interplay of race, class, ethnicity, and gender in the transformation of black urban life in the late twentieth-century United States, and various expressive cultures and modes of resistance that have emerged out of the post-industrial urban context Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Attributes: African Studies
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