URBAN SEMINAR   [Archived Catalog]
2021-2022 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog


Minimum Credits: 1
Maximum Credits: 1
This seminar series provides a deep dive into some of the most salient issues of teaching in urban schools. It is designed to take the students on a journey that begins in the summer with an examination of identity, their own as well as a lens in which to see and understand their students in personal and contextualized ways. The fall seminar takes their newfound understanding and wraps it into meaningful relationship building between the self and student as the foundation for developing classrooms as communal learning spaces for all to thrive. Doing such work in understanding identity and relationships with students in urban spaces includes an explicit look at power and privilege in powerful ways that helps teachers understand their and their students lived experiences in ways that lead to opportunities to more clearly see where inequities lie in our educational and broader systems. This then builds to be the foundation for the spring seminar that provides framing and support in becoming a change agent in educational institutions in ways that disrupt such aspects of the environment, such as systemic institutionalized racism.
Academic Career: Graduate
Course Component: Seminar
Grade Component: Grad HSU Basis

Click here for class schedule information.