2020-2021 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
Evidence-Based Approaches to Support Family Caregivers¿ is an online course that provides a more in-depth look at research-informed approaches and interventions in supporting family caregivers. By delving into these approaches, which is based on the most recent research, helping professionals will be better equipped to assist family caregivers in providing care, maximizing self-efficacy, and infusing increased knowledge to family caregivers who are the primary source of support for older adults with chronic illness and disability. By investigating evidenced-based interventional approaches, students will examine psychosocial, psychotherapeutic, technologically-based interventions, as well as coordination care services & resources. Our study will also focus on the experiences of family caregivers and walking the journey alongside them, while also being able to assist in interventional approaches and tools for best care practices. In this work, students will envelope a view of holistic approaches of caring for the caregiver, but also in giving voice to the care recipient and understanding their needs during this journey of being cared for. The exploration of several dimensions and approaches to caregiving will include psychological and physical health, as well as social relationships and support. In focusing on these areas, we will not only look at risk factors for adverse outcomes but also positive aspects of caregiving. This course will briefly touch on special populations for caregiving which will include looking at families who care for their children due to illness or disability. The information attained in this course will enable helping professionals to apply approaches and concepts learned to carers and care recipients in comprehending the multi-faceted dynamics that come along with the role of caregiving.
Academic Career: Graduate
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade

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