2020-2021 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
This course will examine a number of key theoretical debates in the history of visual and verbal media, beginning with the technology of writing itself and moving into the invention of the codex, the printing press, and 19th and 20th century forms of imagistic production. Of particular concern will be modes of competition and symbiosis among various technologies of representation at particular historical moments, such as the relations between speech and print, poetry and theater, painting and photography, and cinema and digital media. Although case studies will be drawn from a number of historical periods, special attention will be paid to the Renaissance and to recent decades, when media of all kinds have come under increasing technological and theoretical pressure. Students will have the opportunity to extend the seminar's concerns to their own areas of research.
Academic Career: Graduate
Course Component: Seminar
Grade Component: Grad LG/SNC Basis

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