CSD 2079 - SWALLOWING, DYSPHAGIA AND FEEDING DISORDERS IN CHILDRENMinimum Credits: 1 Maximum Credits: 1 This course will explore development of the aerodigestive tract from the embryonic and fetal stages of gestation to full-term and childhood, with emphasis on the development of and interactions between the aerodigestive (respiratory and digestive) systems and swallowing function. Other topics include: typical neonatal and pediatric oropharyngeal swallowing and feeding function during postnatal growth and development, comparisons and contrasts between neonatal and pediatric swallowing anatomy and physiology and those of adults, the range and natural histories of medical, surgical, and developmental conditions leading to feeding and swallowing disorders in children, factors leading to delayed or disordered feeding in children, clinical and instrumental assessment of swallowing and feeding in children, and management/treatment of pediatric feeding disorders. The interdisciplinary nature of managing pediatric feeding disorders will be explored along with the role of parent/caregiver counseling/education and parental/caregiver involvement in management and treatment. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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