BIOST 2039 - BIOSTATISTICAL METHODSMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course is an introductory biostatistics methods course for biostatistics graduate students, other quantitative public health students, and health career professionals who will make use of statistical methods in research projects, interpreting literature and possibly develop new biostatistical methods in the future. This class is intended for students needing a more research-oriented approach than that provided in BIOST 2011 and an approach with a greater emphasis on mathematical foundation than provided in BIOST 2041. Students in BIOST 2039 are expected to have a working knowledge of calculus, including multivariable differentiation and integration. Topics covered in this course include exploratory and descriptive analyses, probability, estimation and hypothesis testing. One and two sample problems will be considered for both continuous and discrete variables. ANOVA, regression, correlation and nonparametric methods will be discussed. R will be used extensively for data analysis. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade Course Requirements: PLAN: BIOST-MS, PHD
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