EDUC 2046 - SPECIAL TOPICS-THE URBAN ENVIRONMENTMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course will provide students with an introduction to the social, historical, and political factors shaping urban life and communities in the united states. The course is primarily, but by no means exclusively, intended for education students and is designed to help students develop a more sophisticated understanding of the contexts in which urban education occurs and the relationship between urban processes and urban education. More specifically, the course will focus on the history of cities, including 20th and 21st century urban transformation, the development and persistence of residential segregation, urban poverty, the criminalization of urban communities, immigration, and trends in theory and practice around urban redevelopment. In all cases, we will consider the implications for urban families, communities, and schools. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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