BIOENG 2370 - COMPUTATIONAL SIMULATION IN MEDICAL DEVICE DESIGNMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Computational simulation is increasingly utilized as a method to assess the performance of medical devices. The course provides students with a hands on learning experience on how to use computational simulation in the modeling and design of medical devices. The course details the important steps in computational simulations from preprocessing to solution to post-processing and data presentation. Commercially available software programs are introduced and used to simulate a variety of physical phenomena (solid, fluid, transport) pertinent to medical device design. Upon completing the course, the student should be able to simulate the solid, fluid, and transport phenomena that are useful in medical device design. Particular attention will be placed on avoiding common mistakes in the preprocessing and interpretation of computational results. Topics covered: geometry creation; discretization; appropriate assignment of material properties; solver management; error mitigation and debugging; post-processing and data presentation; data interpretation; introduction to design optimization. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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