BIOENG 2166 - MANAGING MEDICAL PRODUCT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTMinimum Credits: 4 Maximum Credits: 4 This course will provide the student a theoretical and practical knowledge of professional project management for medical product development in industry. Through lectures, workshops, and industry seminars, students will acquire skills in the following areas: 'project engineering, project management, and innovation management. 'Managing product portfolios. Strategic planning and product planning. 'Creating and managing effective project teams. 'Stage gate process and lean methodology. 'Concurrent engineering. 'Project management tools, including: 'systems engineering 'work breakdown structures' budgeting' resource allocation and scheduling 'monitoring and control of product development students will be introduced to project management tools developed by PDMA (product development and management association) and the PMI (project management institute). The course will be taught by industry professionals with long experience in the medical products industry. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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