BSPP 2328 - THE BUSINESS OF HUMANITY - STRATEGIC MANAGEMENTMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course focuses on strategic management in business contexts of high uncertainty and extreme complexity created by the interaction of (i) the inevitability of increasing globalization, (ii) the importance of innovation to ensure sustainable competitive advantage and (iii) the emerging social and economic imperative of building business models that focus on shared value. The business of humanity project at the KATZ graduate school of business has researched the responses of businesses across the world to these challenges. The course will cover (i) the radically different strategic planning processes and analytical techniques, (ii) the new rules of strategy, (iii) the dynamic organizational structures and (iv) the new leadership models that are responsive to the imperative and potential of meeting fundamental human and societal needs. These processes, rules, techniques and models have been demonstrated to be effective in dealing with technological disruptions, extreme price-point pressures in growth sectors, rising societal expectations and wicked problems Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: Grad LG/SNC Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: BSEO 2407 or BSPP 2409; PROG: Joseph M. Katz Grad Sch Bus
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