DIASCI 5170 - GENERAL AND SYSTEMIC PATHOLOGYMinimum Credits: 5 Maximum Credits: 5 This course is organized to present the pathologic processes which underlie a variety of human disease states. Topics in general pathology include cell injury and cell death, inflammation and repair, hemodynamic disorders, neoplasia, and autoimmune, environmental, genetic, and pediatric diseases. Topics in systemic pathology include disease of vasculature, heart, kidneys, lungs, and blood. Oral implications of systemic disease are introduced. This course includes lectures and class discussions. The goal of teaching general pathology is to provide a foundation of the basic processes of disease, such as cellular pathology, inflammation and repair, fluid and hemodynamic derangements, and neoplasia. The study of metabolic deficiencies, environmental, pediatric and genetic disease processes is also included. The student should be able to understand inflammation and repair throughout the body, including the oral cavity. The goal of teaching systemic pathology to the dental student is to educate him/her in the diseases affecting specific organ systems such as cardiovascular, blood, hematopoietic, lymphoreticular and immune systems, respiratory, gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, pancreatic, genitourinary, male reproductive, breast and female reproductive, endocrine, musculoskeletal and central and peripheral nervous systems. The student should complete the course with a fundamental knowledge of common systemic diseases. They should be able to identify how their patients diseases can affect dental treatment. Academic Career: Dental Medicine Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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