BIOENG 2610 - INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL CORROSION AND MICRODEVICESMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This is an elective course for the engineering research center consisted of North Carolina A&T State University, University of Cincinnati, and University of Pittsburgh to help provide new technologies to study biodegradable metallic implant science. This course will cover the following topics: 1) microfabrication of silicon, glass, polymer devices, 2) microfluidics and electro kinetics, 3) biosensors, 4) actuators and drug delivery, 5) lab on a chip and micro total analysis systems (-tas), 6) genomics and proteomics related chip, 7) corrosion science, and 8) corrosion sensing devices and measurement systems. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade Course Requirements: PROG: Swanson School of Engineering
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