BIOENG 2016 - FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF BIODEGRADABLEMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Biodegradable metals have emerged as a new class of materials with significant potential for myriad biological applications, in particular, the craniofacial, orthopedics and cardiovascular areas. The latter has already witnessed clinical trials with few patients already being implanted with a biodegradable metallic stent. This course is designed to introduce the principles and various fundamental concepts of this novel class of metallic alloys. These include fundamental principles of metal alloy physics and theory, important concepts of phase diagrams, physical metallurgy concepts, metallic glass theory, processing fundamentals, biocompatibility, and toxicity issues. The effect of microstructure on biocompatibility and corrosion will also be discussed. The course objective is to introduce the student to this new family of bio-functional metals and their biodegradable properties. In doing so, the student will be familiar with these materials and their useful applications. The students are expected to have had courses in thermodynamics and physiology. Introduction to materials science and engineering would be preferred but is not a prerequisite. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade Course Requirements: PROG: Graduate School of Engineering
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