2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
With podcasts on the rise, audio is an increasingly vibrant platform for storytelling across genres, from narrative journalism, to the audio essay, to serial (non)fiction. What can we, as writers learn from close encounters with these forms? How can born-audio narratives help us approach questions of style, structure, scene, and voice in unexpected ways? And how can we take inspiration from these forms to reimagine the possibilities of our writing, whether it's for the ear or for the page? Just as a "Readings" course teaches you to read like a writer, in this course, you'll be challenged to listen like an audio producer, attuning yourself to the craft of audio stories in order to inform and enrich your own creative work. Throughout the semester, you'll produce focused responses to weekly listening assignments, engage in rigorous discussions on craft, and generate some of your own creative work in response to the stories we encounter. While no formal technical training in audio production will be provided or required, students interested in exploring their writing in audio forms will be encouraged to do so.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Seminar
Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
Course Requirements: PREQ: ENGWRT 0520, ENGWRT 0610, OR ENGWRT 0710

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