CHE 0200 - CHEMICAL ENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICSMinimum Credits: 6 Maximum Credits: 6 This course combines the ideas from both pure and multicomponent thermodynamics. It introduces molecular insight and the tools (including commercial software) for solving both simple and complex problems in phase and chemical equilibria. The course will have a strong focus on multiscale analysis, for example, covering intermolecular potentials (molecular-scale) to aid students in choosing equations of state for novel materials (macro-scale). Advanced topics covered include interfacial behavior, adsorption, and osmotic equilibrium. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: CHE 0100 with min grade of C- and (CHEM 0120 or 0420 or 0970 or 0102 or 0112) and (MATH 0230 or 0235 or 0150 or 0231) and (PHYS 0174 or 0475 or 0150 or 0201); CREQ: CHE 0201 and 0214 ; PLAN: Chemical Engineering (CHE-BSE)
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