BIOSC 1907 - RESEARCH DECONSTRUCTION: UNDER THE HOOD OF LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCHMinimum Credits: 1 Maximum Credits: 1 This course takes an in depth look into how scientific research is done by studying where research is done, who does it, how questions are developed, how approaches and techniques are chosen, and how data is analyzed and presented. Students listen to a research seminar aimed at an expert audience, and then dissect the work throughout the semester. At the end of term, pieces from studying the research project are reassembled, a video of the seminar critiqued, and the course concludes with a Q+A session with the seminar speaker. The course is for students enrolled in the research certificate in biological and biomedical sciences. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: BIOSC 0160 or 0180 or 0191 or 0716 or BIOL 0102 or 0120 (MIN GRADE 'C'); CREQ: BIOSC 1903 or 1904 or NROSCI 1901 or 1961 (MIN GRADE 'C')
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