ADVANCED EDITING   [Archived Catalog]
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
"Advanced Editing" offers students engaged in film and media production the unique opportunity to focus and expand their editing skills through the process of appropriating and repurposing pre-existing audiovisual materials. Students will work with materials from a range of sources, including popular Hollywood movies, digitally archived "orphan" films, television commercials, and propaganda films. The act of transforming already existing creative works into newly created short film projects will allow three key learning objectives to be met: (i) students will further hone their awareness of the ideological and formal functions of their source media as they decontextualize and recontextualize it for alternative purposes; (ii) students will develop a better awareness of their own critical and creative orientations as they are required to position their own projects in relation to others; (iii) students will develop their competence with multiple professional NLEs like Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere and DaVinci Resolve. By focusing on nonfiction and experimental editing practices, where the meaning and purpose of available footage is open for interpretation, students enrolled in the course will experience the transformative power of editing to shape and understand media.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: LG/SU3 Elective Basis

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