CLRES 2981 - EPIDEMIOLOGY OF AGING-METHODSMinimum Credits: 2 Maximum Credits: 2 This course will introduce the methodological aspects of epidemiologic research in the field of aging and to critically evaluate research in older adults. The course will focus on: demography, study design, sampling, recruitment, retention, measurement of key variables and special populations. Students will write a critical review of a published article and comment on proposed future directions for epidemiologic studies addressing these questions in older populations. Throughout the course, a Problem Solving Learning Method will be applied by prompting the students to solve pragmatic issues. Examples include: How to measure a specific outcome? What type of chronic health conditions may be related to the research question? How to operationalize specific measures of interest (e.g.: how to create a composite score for co-morbidity assessment?). The course has been formulated to provide the students with the building blocks of the epidemiological study of aging. By the end of the course, the students will be able to critically evaluate various components of a study to further address the research questions in aging populations. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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