ADMPS 3006 - SOCIAL THEORIES & EDUCATION IN GLOBAL CONTEXTMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Ultimately, this course is about the student, and the student situating herself in an increasingly global context, driven by technology and globalization. As a consequence, the course is designed to guide the student in exploring a range of social theories that may be helpful in informing how the student understands and operates in educational institutions in local, national, and global economic, political and cultural contexts. By examining and comparing a variety of theories and contexts, the student will be encouraged to develop/refine her own theories of a) how and why society and education are organized as they are; b) how and why education and/or society have or have not changed; and c) how and why education and/or society should be changed. What do you believe in passionately? How can social theories help strengthen and challenge your views? How can they help you gain a deeper and richer understanding of society's past, present and future? Far from being dry, academic reading, they drive policy - politics, business, and many other aspects of the student's everyday life. What kind of leadership role does the student want to create for herself in your career? What is the student willing to advocate for? How can this course help? Many students have very jumbled thinking about the things they feel most strongly about. They know what is right for them, but often can't explain how very clearly. This makes it difficult to convince anyone besides those who already agree with the student. This will limit the student's political success, as contested issues need complicated, but clear thinking. How can the various social theories help guide the student's thinking and understanding of the issues from multiple perspectives? One of SCAE's international strengths is learning how to manage multiple perspectives, a critical skill in a globalizing world. How do people construct the world so that it makes sense to them? How do we negotiate the contested meanings that arise? Finally, how does the next generation learn about its cultural endowments? Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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