BIOENG 2040 - TRANSPORT PHENOMENA FOR BIOMEDICAL AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERSMinimum Credits: 4 Maximum Credits: 4 Biomedical and chemical engineering graduate students require a similar comprehensive understanding of the underlying principles of heat transfer, chemical species transfer, and momentum transfer or fluid mechanics. This graduate course provides a unified treatment to heat, mass, and momentum transfer at the graduate level. The first part of the course covers the constitutive relations that describe the diffusive flux of material properties, including thermal energy, chemical species concentration, and momentum. Conservation principles and boundary conditions are covered for these material properties and numerous example paradigm problems of steady-state unidirectional (1-D) transport in biomedical and chemical engineering applications are reviewed. The second part of the course covers more advanced concepts including non-Newtonian rheology, unsteady state and 2-D transport, convective transport processes, turbulence, and creeping flow. The focus throughout is on extensive problem-solving and computer simulation using Comsol multi-physics using both biomedical and chemical engineering examples. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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