BIOENG 2632 - BIOMECHANICS 3: BIODYNAMICS OF MOVEMENTMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Biodynamics, the area of focus in biomechanics 3, is the study of large-scale movements in biologic systems. As such, the course focuses on the analysis of human movement, which is used in clinical and research settings to understand how various pathologies impact movement and how interventions can be implemented to aid those affected by movement disorders. We cover the fundamentals of biomechanics of human movement using mechanical modeling techniques. The major focus is kinematic analyses in three dimensions using matrix techniques. Some fundamentals of kinetics are covered as well, 2D and 3D inverse dynamics. Upon completing the course, the student should be able to describe basic methods of kinematic/kinetic analysis used in multi-link systems and be able to implement the methods in the analysis of human movement. Students should also be able to apply the methods to study common human movements, e.g. gait analyses, eye movement analyses, etc. Finally, students should be able to use the computer programming language, matlab, to perform computations on kinematic data. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade Course Requirements: PROG: Swanson School of Engineering
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