BIOENG 3020 - DESIGN AND SYNTHESIS OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALSMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This advanced biomaterials course targets graduate students already familiar with general concepts in biomaterials and organic chemistry, and want to learn more on how to design and modify or synthesize new biomaterial for specific biomedical applications. The course will be student driven using a guided literature search and question-and-answer format with minimal lecturing. The students are expected to be actively engaged in discussions and presentations. There will be 3-4 design modules, at the end of which a presentation and a paper will be submitted to summarize the rationale of the design and propose a feasible material synthesis route. The grade will be based on performance of these assignments. The class will meet twice a week for a 90 minute session. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade Course Requirements: PROG: Swanson School of Engineering
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