URBNST 1504 - ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL FIELD PLACEMENTMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course presents Urban Studies students with the opportunity to travel to Singapore and Malaysia for a two-week Urban Studies field course, guided by Pitt faculty. This 3-credit IFTA (integrated Field Trip Abroad) is a three-credit course that supplements URBNST 1502, and your domestic research courses (URBNST 1300 & URBNST 1500). Therefore, it is expected that you will have previously completed 1300 and 1500, and be taking URBNST 1502 concurrently with this course. The course focuses upon design and implementation of a pilot research project that attempts a comparative analysis of some aspect of urbanism within Southeast Asia. Students will work in teams to complete this project, under the supervision of Pitt Faculty. This three-credit course will be preceded by five pre-departure meetings, and the research project should in some way focus on one of the course themes. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: Letter Grade
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