CHEM 1020 - READING THE CHEMICAL LITERATUREMinimum Credits: 2 Maximum Credits: 2 This course will provide an introduction to understanding the assembly and function of macromolecules and supramolecular assemblies. The course will emphasize literature readings and team activities that require students to integrate concepts from their core chemistry courses. The goals of this course are to provide practical experience (1) in applying concepts from core chemistry courses to understanding complex supramolecular assemblies and (2) in reading the chemical literature. The Learning Objectives include: (1) Develop the ability to recognize and apply the basic principles learned in physical, organic, and general (inorganic) chemistry to understanding the structural and dynamical properties of macromolecules and supramolecular assemblies. (2) Develop the skills needed to design experimental probes of these processes in complex systems. (3) Learn to leverage the expertise of diverse teams to collectively tackle challenging problems. (4) Learn to construct meaningful hypotheses concerning function in complex systems. (4) Learn to design experiments and computations to test critical hypotheses. (5) Develop intuition about the importance of different molecular timescales and the driving forces for arranging molecules into functional machinery. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
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