ASL 1635 - ANALYSES OF ASL LITERATUREMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course is designed for students to explore and analyze American sign language and American deaf culture through ASL literature. Studying ASL literature is a way to examine the linguistic complexity of ASL as well as explore the deaf community's values and traditions as a minority group and a group to which visual depiction of ideas is highly valued. This course is conducted in ASL. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0473 or ASL 0103 (MIN GRADE 'B'); CREQ: LING 0474 or ASL 0104 (MIN GRADE 'B') and (LING 1722 or ASL 1615) (MIN GRADE 'B') PLAN: American Sign Language
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