ASL 0106 - AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE 6Minimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Introduction to specific topics and content areas in ASL discourse, including Visual Gestural Communication, International, Deafblind, Mental Health/Medical/Sexual/Drugs/Other Special Topics in sign communication depending on the needs and interests of Pitt Students. This course also provides students with opportunities to expand expressive and receptive use of American Sign Language (ASL), including a variety of special topics at an advanced level. Special emphasis is on increasing spatial use, ASL fluency and non-manual grammar and behaviors. Skills related to research in sign language discourse will be introduced. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 1727 or ASL 1909 or ASL 0105; MIN GRADE 'C' FOR ALL LISTED COURSES
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