ECE 1188 - CYBER-PHYSICAL SYSTEMSMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 The arrival of the internet-of-things (IOT) has brought about a world where the everyday objects we interact with, ranging from health monitoring devices to appliances and automobiles, are embedded with intelligence, the ability to communicate over a network and act on information stored in the "cloud". In this intensive laboratory course, students, by way of a series of projects, follow the journey data takes from a sensor, to a microcontroller, through a network and then to the cloud (and back!). Along the way students are exposed to a broad range of electrical and computer engineering topics including electronic design, embedded programming, digital signal processing, networking and information theory, wireless communications, antenna theory and big data analytics. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: (COE 0501 or ECE 0501) and (COE 0147 or COE 0447 or ECE 0142) and (COE 0401 or CS 0401); PLAN: Electrical Engineering
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