THEA 1120 - DRAMA AND PERFORMANCE IN CLASSROOMMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course is designed to introduce drama techniques used in educational settings and to provide students with hands-on experience creating and facilitating various theatre outreach activities. Specific practices to be explored include: activity-based methods such as theatre games & improvisational exercises as well as some theatre of the oppressed techniques; literature-based methods such as story dramatization and textual adaptation; situation-based work such as role drama and other strategies associated with drama-in-education; devised performance strategies often associated with play-building and theatre-in-education, etc. Students will hear from members of education departments of leading arts organizations in Pittsburgh to gain a sense of the broad range of techniques and applications of outreach work. Finally, the class will offer students an opportunity to design, implement, and evaluate outreach-related projects which are thematically linked to the theatre arts department's Shakespeare-in-the schools (sits) touring production. The sits program will serve as a lab experience for students in drama & performance in the classroom. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
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