ADMJ 1260 - RESOURCE PROTECTION PLANNINGMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course will enable students to build on the preventive nature of thorough resources protection planning and develop policies, programs, and procedures to minimize the impacts of severely detrimental events or activities. Acts of terror, the flu pandemic, natural disasters, and major crime incidents are some of the critical incidents facing public safety and private sector security personnel today. This course will provide students with an overview and understanding into the importance of preparation, planning, training, and response to critical incident when protective and preventive measures fail. It will also cover public and media issues and coordination between not only government agencies, but between public and private sectors as well. The course is highlighted by an off-site mock scenario utilizing a model city and a "hands on" response to a critical incident. Completion of the course will include a certification by FEMA'S emergency management institute in an on-line course available for state and local officials and responders. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
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