CHE 1533 - CONTROLLED DRUG DELIVERYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course will provide students with a basic understanding of the engineering of controlled drug delivery systems, which stands as a 114 billion dollar industry. To this end, we will focus on topics at the interface between engineering and medicine such as biomaterials, pharmacokinetics, polymer chemistry, reaction kinetics, and biological transport phenomena. Design of transdermal, aerosol, oral, bio-mems, gene delivery, and targeted cellular delivery, will be reviewed with emphasis being placed upon us FDA regulatory considerations and the relevant physiological milieu. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: [PREQ: CHE 0300 and 0400 and (1530 or BIOSC 1000 or CHEM 1810); LVL: Sr; PLAN: Chemical Engineering (BSE)] or [BIOENG 1220; LVL: Sr; PLAN: Bioengineering (BSE)]
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