BUS 1023 - GLOBAL PERSPECTIVESMinimum Credits: 1 Maximum Credits: 1 This one-credit, one-week international experience is for students who wish to gain valuable experience and exposure to several business sectors and firms within the visited country. The purpose of experience is to focus on four industry-specific business sectors relevant to the historical, cultural, political, and economic background of the country. The sectors will be chosen from the following: healthcare, tourism/hospitality, arts, sports/athletics, human/social services, education, real estate, and banking. As a result of the experience, students will develop a "tool kit" of concepts and information regarding the cultural and business climate of the country in focus, begin developing of a working knowledge of how differences in cultural context affect business activities and develop a basis for critical evaluation of a country- specific, cross-sector business analysis. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade
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