BIOSTATISTICS   [Archived Catalog]
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
This course provides students the knowledge on applications of statistical technique to biological problems. The data fit, regression analysis, significance of correlation coefficient and of standard error of estimate will be discussed. The binomial, normal, and Poisson distributions, the student's t-distribution and the chi-squared distribution will be introduced. Hypothesis testing, significance levels, confidence limits for large and small samples and non-para metric statistics will be covered. Basic computer programming (use of BMDP and statview) will be introduced.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
Course Requirements: PREQ: (BIOSC 0160 or 0716 or 0191 or 0180 or BIOL 0102 or 0120) and (BIOSC 0350 or 0355 or 0370 or 0371 or 1000 or 1810 or BIOL 0203 or 0350 or 1430 or 1515) and STAT 1000; MIN GRADE 'C' for all courses

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