BIOENG 1351 - COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN BIOENGINEERINGMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 LabVIEW programming is taught in the context of real-world tasks that engineering students will likely encounter in future academic or industrial work. Practical applications of signal processing tools and software design specification development are especially relevant. The fundamentals of LabVIEW, data flow programming concepts, programming with graphical user interfaces, modular programming structures, and data acquisition and control concepts are covered. Course Objectives: Upon completing the course, students should be able to successfully implement a solution to basic engineering programming tasks using LabVIEW. Students should be able to identify and utilize open source and commercial software libraries to tackle more advanced design problems without coding from scratch. Students should be able to effectively use LabVIEW to solve real-world engineering computing problems. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: CS 0441 or (ENGR 0012 or 0712 or 0716); PLAN: Bioengineering(BSE, MN)
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