BIOENG 1210 - BIOENGINEERING THERMODYNAMICSMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Bio thermodynamics uses an interactive framework in the joint (student and instructor) exploration of thermodynamics as it applies on the biological cellular and systems level. At this most fundamental level, thermodynamics studies the flow of energy, interconversion of energy, maintenance of cellular function and information, and the processes necessary to sustain life itself. Upon completing the course, the student should be able to describe how the three laws of thermodynamics and entropy impact biological systems, and be able to apply fundamental thermodynamics principles to set up and solve problems in physiological systems. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: BIOENG 1070 and (MATH 0240 and 0290) and (PHYS 0175 or 0476); PLAN: Bioengineering (BSE or BEH)
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