BIOENG 1095 - SPECIAL PROJECTSMinimum Credits: 1 Maximum Credits: 6 : Special Projects provides an opportunity for students to develop an individual research project under the guidance of a faculty member/mentor. Projects can involve laboratory research, engineering design, or instructional development. While the project must be related to bioengineering, the mentor can be a faculty member in any department or hospital affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh. A written report documenting the project and project outcomes is required. Typical report format (abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references) is expected. The length of the report should reflect the number of credits received The report must be submitted to both the Undergraduate Coordinator, Department of Bioengineering, and the mentor. The mentor will evaluate the quality of the project and report and submit a letter grade recommendation to the Undergraduate Coordinator. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Directed Studies Grade Component: Letter Grade
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