Computer Science (CS) graduate students who matriculated into the University of Pittsburgh PRIOR to Fall 2017 received a communication allowing a choice to either remain in the School of Arts & Sciences or transfer to the new School of Computing and Information for completion of their CS degree.
- If a student chose to remain in the School of Arts & Sciences, they should refer to the Arts & Sciences catalog for the regulations, policies, and requirements for their degree.
- If a student applied to transfer to the School of Computing and Information, they should refer to the new school’s catalog for the regulations, policies, and requirements for their degree.
Note: If a student took no action in response to the grand-parenting e-mail, they will remain in the School of Arts & Sciences by default.
Any student matriculating into the University of Pittsburgh AFTER Fall 2017, must apply to the School of Computing and Information in order to pursue an undergraduate degree in either Computer Science or Information Science and should refer to this School’s catalog for information.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the School’s Office of Student Services at