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University of Pittsburgh    
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
  Sep 27, 2024
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Course Information

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    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 1
    Writing practicum for students taking Latin 1302 as a writing course.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Credit Laboratory
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LATIN 0210 and 0220


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    In this course students read selected works by Roman epic poets. The specific authors and works vary from term to term; the course may be repeated for credit when the material covered is different.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Seminar
    Grade Component: Letter Grade
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LATIN 1300 or 1302


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    In this course students read selected works by Roman dramatists. The specific authors and works read vary from term to term; the course may be repeated for credit when the material covered is different.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Seminar
    Grade Component: Letter Grade
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LATIN 1300 or 1302


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    In this course students read selected works by Roman lyric poets. The specific authors and works vary from term to term; the course may be repeated for credit when the material covered is different.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Seminar
    Grade Component: Letter Grade
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LATIN 1300 or 1302


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    In this course students read selected works by Roman epistolographers. The specific authors and works vary from term to term; the course may be repeated for credit when the material covered is different.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Seminar
    Grade Component: Letter Grade


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    In this course students read selected Greek texts. The course may be repeated for credit provided the specific material covered is different.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Seminar
    Grade Component: Letter Grade
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LATIN 1300 or 1302


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    In this course undergraduate majors in classics who wish to graduate with honors (and are otherwise qualified) write an honors paper, usually in conjunction with a Latin reading course at the 1300 or 1400 level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Thesis Research
    Grade Component: Satisfactory/No Credit


    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 9
    In this course a student undertakes independent study in Latin in consultation with a member of the faculty.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Independent Study
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 6
    In this course a student undertakes directed study in Latin under the close guidance of a member of the faculty.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Directed Studies
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 9
    In this course a student undertakes directed research in the field of classical civilization under the close guidance of a member of the faculty.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Directed Studies
    Grade Component: Letter Grade


    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 5
    This course allows students to earn credits for serving as undergraduate teaching assistants in courses listed under the ‘Latin’ subject code. Admission requires permission of the department chair. Students may repeat for credit.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Independent Study
    Grade Component: Letter Grade




    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course is designed to acquaint students with multiple theories and practices associated with effective leadership. In answering the question, “what is leadership,” it examines such theories as situational, participative, transformational, and servant leadership. It also addresses those leadership and administrative skills and practices usually associated with effective community organization and professional management.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course is designed to develop in students an understanding of the conceptual and practical strategies of leadership. Through the use of readings, in-class activities and guest presenters, students are exposed to four factors that play a role in the development or modification of a leader. These include: appreciation of the concept of organizational life; understanding the process of change; comprehending the impact of leadership style, delivery, and strategy; and finally, developing an awareness of individual strengths and weaknesses and how to most effectively match individual style to the leadership process. The course is required of all students pursuing the Undergraduate certificate in leadership. Students should have successfully completed both the emerging leaders program and the theories of leadership course prior to registering.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Seminar
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LDRSHP 1100 or PUBSRV 1390

Legal Studies



    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The course is designed to provide the intellectual tools to analyze moral and legal dilemmas which face professionals in their respective fields of work, and the society in which all of us must live. The course will help students to develop the skill of moral reasoning so that they may better identify, analyze, deliberate, and resolve moral dilemmas.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    Provides students with an overview of the structure and operation of American law and legal systems. Offers examples of the type of topics treated in depth in substantive legal studies courses. Introduces the student to the nature, functions, limitations, and operations of law as an institution in modern society. Various jurisprudential approaches are examined, and selected problems of law, power, morality and social and economic stratification are studied. Heavy emphasis is placed on the institution. Various empirical studies of the law in action will be examined.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    Acquaints the student with basic principles of criminal law derived from our English common law heritage and from more recent statutory penal code revisions in the American states. Course examines the meaning of crime and of criminal responsibility; criminal complicity and conspiracy; sentencing alternatives; and the decriminalization of some offenses.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course examines the procedural effects of criminal law, including constitutional rights, state criminal procedure, and appellate decisions and rules.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course offers a multi-disciplinary examination of lawyers and their role in society, with an emphasis on the relationship of lawyers to courts, judges, clients, and other lawyers. Topics to be covered in the course include: the philosophy of advocacy, the psychological and ethical aspects of practicing law, the role of law schools in the creation of professional identity, societal attitudes towards lawyers and the legal system, the involvement of lawyers in government, politics, and policy making, and evolving concepts of legal practice.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course examines the impact of law on public administration and manner in which legal implications condition formulation, adoption, and the implementation of programs.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course investigates the interrelationships between change in society and change in legal rules. Legal change is studied as an outcome of social change; directed social change as a result of legal change, or social engineering, is also examined; and the mutual ongoing interactions between legal and social change are investigated. Classical and contemporary theories related to these areas are introduced.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course examines the relationships between law and values, law and power, law and discretion. The nature of legal reasoning is illustrated and analyzed as it is applied to statutory law, case law, and constitutional law.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course introduces the student to the contributions of psychiatry and psychology to the legal process. The role of the psychology expert in criminal proceedings, the problem of criminal insanity, the process of civil commitment, and the rights of those deemed to be mentally ill, are among topics to be examined. Students will be asked to read and analyze legal cases and scholarly discussions of these and other related issues. Actual observance of relevant courtroom proceedings will be arranged.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course will introduce the student to literary treatments of basic issues of law and justice. Through an examination of plays, novels, essays, and short stories, the student will be able to see competing conceptions of law, justice, and morality. Legal themes as they appear in literature can then be used to analyze and evaluate selected areas of civil and criminal law.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    Surveys the socio-legal aspects of marriage, marital alternatives, and related modes of sexual expression. Laws in these areas have been changing dramatically, reflecting, if not causing, fundamental shifts in the values and norms surrounding intimate behavior. The following topics are covered: ceremonialized marriage, commonlaw marriage, “open” marriage, “contract” marriage, homosexual and transsexual “marriage”, unwed cohabitation, annulment, separation, divorce, artificial insemination, test tube fertilization, abortion, illegitimacy, alimony and property settlements.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    A structural analysis of the causes and consequences of divorce. The process of divorce in its various psychological, legal, economic and social components is examined. The impact of divorce on the spouses, children and relatives is discussed.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course introduces the student to the role of law in regulating environmental pollution. Included will be an examination of water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution. Major federal statutes such as the national environmental protection act, and the Clean Air Act will be studied along with judicial and administrative cases and rules governing these areas. Emphasis will be upon the interaction of law, politics, economics and psychology in environment control.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course introduces students to the laws governing their rights as consumers. The evolution of consumer rights is traced from the common law to our present statutes. Students are introduced to state and federal laws, among them: truth in lending act, fair debt collection practices act, fair credit reporting act, equal credit opportunity act, unfair trade practices and consumer protection law and auto mobile lemon law.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course considers the efforts underway to globalize ideas of rule of law and democracy. In the movement to promote rule of law governments, human rights, and market economies, conflicts regarding culture, identity and local politics arise. The course explores the global ideas of democracy and rule of law within the context of local identity, culture and politics of emerging nation-states.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course focuses on the nature of international law and how it differs from law within states. Topics covered include the following: treaties, enforcement mechanisms, international courts, human rights issues, the law of war, and international law of the environment, and prospects for the future of international law.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The individual rights protected by the bill of rights form the basis for this course. Specifically, the right to privacy, sexual equality, educational equality, religious freedom, and issues surrounding freedom of the press will be studied. In addition, the civil rights of specific groups including students, blacks, Indians, poor people, mental patients, members of the armed forces, teachers and public officials will be analyzed.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course explores several issues with which the law is now wrestling. Topics explored include assisted reproductive technologies, assisted suicide and right to die movements, intellectual property in the internet age, immigration law, environmental and climate change, same-sex marriage, aids law, freedom of expression and advanced communication technologies, international law and universal jurisdiction, and the future of American law. With all of these topics, we will explore how the law struggles to keep pace with advances in science and technology, as well as how the law reacts to a changing society.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    Deals with the development of law library research skills and some basic research skills in the social sciences. It provides the students with an understanding of the law library and will assist in developing research skills through the use of primary and secondary sources of the law. The student will become familiar with the use of the University of Pittsburgh libraries and the paralegal law library collection.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course examines the mechanics of American civil and criminal litigation in both nonjury and jury trials. Topics include basic case analysis, effective advocacy skills, appropriate professional conduct, trial preparation, direct and cross examination of lay witnesses, and an introduction to the legal concepts of relevance and hearsay within the context of the federal rules of evidence. Students will participate in intensive class discussions and in-class presentations.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course further examines more advanced topics relating to the mechanics of American civil and criminal litigation in both nonjury and jury trials. Topics include the authentication and use of evidentiary exhibits such as documents, real evidence and demonstratives, the direct and cross examination of expert witnesses, character evidence, opening statements, and closing arguments. Students will participate in intensive class discussions and in-class presentations.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade


    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 6
    Course is supervised placement with specific agency or firm in some part of the legal system.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Internship
    Grade Component: Satisfactory/No Credit


    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 6
    Allows advanced students to pursue topics and research of special interest which are not otherwise available. Course requires construction of plan of study of research on topics selected and approval of instructor who will supervise work.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Independent Study
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

Less Commonly Taught Languages



    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    This course will help students learn to understand, and to express themselves creatively in both spoken and written **Language**. They will acquire basic knowledge of everyday **Language** and of the country and culture of **Country**. We will focus on building communicative competence and conversational proficiency, while simultaneously building a solid foundation in **Language** grammar, writing, listening and reading comprehension skills. Students will be expected to memorize vocabulary and utilize it in both speech and writing.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    This course will help students learn to understand, and to express themselves creatively in both spoken and written **Language**. They will acquire basic knowledge of everyday **Language** and of the country and culture of **Country**. We will focus on building communicative competence and conversational proficiency, while simultaneously building a solid foundation in **Language** grammar, writing, listening and reading comprehension skills. Students will be expected to memorize vocabulary and utilize it in both speech and writing.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0101; MIN GRADE ‘C’


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course will help students learn to understand, and to express themselves creatively in both spoken and written **Language**. They will acquire basic knowledge of everyday **Language** and of the country and culture of **Country**. We will focus on building communicative competence and conversational proficiency, while simultaneously building a solid foundation in **Language** grammar, writing, listening and reading comprehension skills. Students will be expected to memorize vocabulary and utilize it in both speech and writing.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    This course will help students learn to understand, and to express themselves creatively in both spoken and written **Language**. They will acquire basic knowledge of everyday **Language** and of the country and culture of **Country**. We will focus on building communicative competence and conversational proficiency, while simultaneously building a solid foundation in **Language** grammar, writing, listening and reading comprehension skills. Students will be expected to memorize vocabulary and utilize it in both speech and writing.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0171 - AYMARA 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary reading and writing skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0172 - AYMARA 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0171; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0173 - AYMARA 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and to writing as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0172; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0174 - AYMARA 4

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with a native speaker on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through readings of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0173; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0231 - DANISH 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0251 - DUTCH 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0252 - DUTCH 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0251; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0253 - DUTCH 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0252; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0301 - FINNISH 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0371 - HAUSA 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0391 - HUNGARIAN 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0392 - HUNGARIAN 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0291 or LCTL 0391; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0393 - HUNGARIAN 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0292 or LCTL 0392; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0394 - HUNGARIAN 4

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with a native speaker on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through readings of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0293 or LCTL 0393; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0411 - ICELANDIC 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade

    LCTL 0412 - ICELANDIC 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0311 or LCTL 0411; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0413 - ICELANDIC 3

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    Icelandic 3
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0312 or LCTL 0412; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0414 - ICELANDIC 4

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    Icelandic 4
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0313 or LCTL 0413; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0431 - INDONESIAN 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0432 - INDONESIAN 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language. To recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0431; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0433 - INDONESIAN 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0432; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0434 - INDONESIAN 4

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with a native speaker on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through readings of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0433; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0561 - NORWEGIAN 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0562 - NORWEGIAN 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0561; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0563 - NORWEGIAN 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0562; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0631 - PUNJABI 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0661 - ROMANIAN 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0662 - ROMANIAN 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0661; MIN GRADE: ‘C’


    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able to a) engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0681; MIN GRADE: ‘C’


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0682; MIN GRADE: ‘C’


    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with a native speaker on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through readings of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0683; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0711 - TAGALOG 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0712 - TAGALOG 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0531 or LCTL 0711; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0713 - TAGALOG 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0532 or LCTL 0712; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0714 - TAGALOG 4

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with a native speaker on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through readings of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0533 or LCTL 0713; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0731 - TAMIL 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0732 - TAMIL 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0731; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0733 - TAMIL 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0732; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0751 - THAI 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0752 - THAI 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0751; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0771 - TOK-PISIN 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0791 - URDU 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0792 - URDU 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: Letter Grade
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0285 or LCTL 0791; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0793 - URDU 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0286 or LCTL 0792; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0794 - URDU 4

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with native speakers on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through readings of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0287 or LCTL 0793; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0821 - WELSH 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0822 - WELSH 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0821; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0823 - WELSH 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0822; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0824 - WELSH 4

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with a native speaker on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through readings of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LCTL 0823; MIN GRADE: ‘C’

    LCTL 0841 - XHOSA 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0842 - XHOSA 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0601 or AFRCNA 0601 or LCTL 0841; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0843 - XHOSA 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0602 or AFRCNA 0602 or LCTL 0842; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0844 - XHOSA 4

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with a native speaker on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0603 or AFRCNA 0603 or LCTL 0843; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0871 - YORUBA 1

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    The greatest part of the first term will be devoted to the presentation and practice of the basic sound patterns of the language, its fundamental sentence patterns, and sufficient vocabulary to illustrate and practice them. An introduction to the writing system will be offered together with the opportunity to acquire elementary writing and reading skills.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

    LCTL 0872 - YORUBA 2

    Minimum Credits: 4
    Maximum Credits: 4
    At the end of the second term of the first year of study the student should be able to produce all the significant sound patterns of the language, to recognize and use the major grammatical structures within a limited core vocabulary. The student should be able a) to engage in simple conversations with native speakers about a limited number of everyday situations and b) to read and write simple material related to the situations presented.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0611 or AFRCNA 0025 or LCTL 0871; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0873 - YORUBA 3

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    The first term of the second year will concentrate on the further development of fluency in oral production and the improvement in the student’s ability to understand the flow of speech as uttered by a native speaker. Increased attention will be paid to reading as a means of augmenting a recognition vocabulary and writing as a drill and as a means of consolidating and communicating the knowledge gained.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0612 or AFRCNA 0026 or LCTL 0872; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES

    LCTL 0874 - YORUBA 4

    Minimum Credits: 3
    Maximum Credits: 3
    At the end of the second term of the second year the student should be able to converse comfortably with a native speaker on a variety of non-specialized subjects. The student will be offered an opportunity to experience and more fully understand the culture of the people who use the language through readings of various types. More complex writing tasks will be expected at this level.
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Lecture
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
    Course Requirements: PREQ: LING 0613 or AFRCNA 0032 or LCTL 0873; MIN GRADE: ‘C’ FOR LISTED COURSES


    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 9
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Independent Study
    Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis


    Minimum Credits: 1
    Maximum Credits: 3
    Academic Career: Undergraduate
    Course Component: Independent Study
    Grade Component: Satisfactory/No Credit

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